Clove Essential oil Organic
  • Clove Essential oil Organic

Clove Essential oil Organic

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Organic Clove essential oil



Origin : Sri Lanka

Distilled part : flower bud

Main components : Eugenol, acetate d'eugenyle


About the plant :

The clove is a tree of the Myrtaceae family native to Indonesia. The Indian epic of Ramayana, perhaps written around 200 B.C. already mentions the trade of this spice. The Chinese were already using cloves during the Han Dynasty, chewing them for better breath, as well as for its medicinal and culinary virtues.


For your information :

Here is a few properties of Clove essential oil:

  • It effectively eliminates viruses and bacteria.
  • Clove essential oil will do miracles on a toothache, by its anesthetic and painkiller action.
  • It is recommended for dental pain but also for ulcers, abscesses, gingivitis...
  • It stimulates the nerves and the physique in general.
  • It is useful in case of physical and intellectual fatigue.


All properties described here are from the bibliography and are provided for information purposes and should not be interpreted as medical prescriptions.


Arôma'plantes advice :

It is a perfect essential oil to use in case of dental pain, it is applied pure with a cotton swab on the painful area.

Tip from the Arôma'plantes team.


Based on the bibliography :
Ma bible des huiles essentielles, Danièle Festy
Les propriétés physiques et psychiques des huiles essentielles, Dr Paul Dupont
Huiles essentielles chémotypées, A. Zhiri, D. Baudoux, M.L. Breda

Safety precaution:

Product from organic farming certified by FR BIO 10 - Agriculture hors UE

Essential oil for food use

Therapeutic use of essential oils on medical advice .


Clove Essential oil Organic
