Oregano essential oil Organic
  • Oregano essential oil Organic

Oregano essential oil Organic

Tax included
Contenance: 10 ml



Origin : Aroma'Plantes

Distilled part : Flower

Carvacrol, g-terpinene


About the plant :

Also called «Wild Marjoram», Oregano was used by the ancients as a counter-poison, used as an infusion, as an anointing or as a plaster. Pliny praised its effects against pneumonia and cough and it entered the composition of Roman dishes, thanks to its digestive virtues. It helps fight against bad bacteria and fungi, and is used to relieve pain due to rheumatism and skin problems.


At Arôma'plantes :

We use the Oregano Essential oil in our cleaning product Aroma'WC.


For your information :

Here is a few properties of Oregano essential oil:

  • No microbes, viruses, bacteria, parasites or fungi are resistant to Oregano.
  • It is a very powerful antiseptic. This oil will be useful in case of infections of all kinds, urinary, respiratory, gynecological or digestive.
  • It clears the sinuses in case of sinusitis or cold.
  • It fights against the cooling effect thanks to its tonic action.
  • It facilitates digestion and avoids gas, which helps to find a flat stomach.


All properties described here are from the bibliography and are provided for information purposes and should not be interpreted as medical prescriptions.


Arôma'plantes advice :

It is a powerful essential oil that can be incorporated into household cleaning products to enhance their effectiveness.

Tip from the Arôma'plantes team.


Based on the bibliography :
Ma bible des huiles essentielles, Danièle Festy
Les propriétés physiques et psychiques des huiles essentielles, Dr Paul Dupont
Huiles essentielles chémotypées, A. Zhiri, D. Baudoux, M.L. Breda


Safety precaution:

Product from organic farming certified by FR BIO 10 - Agriculture hors UE

Essential oil for food use

Therapeutic use of essential oils on medical advice .


Specific References


Oregano essential oil Organic


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