Wild Carrot Flower Water Organic
  • Wild Carrot Flower Water Organic

Wild Carrot Flower Water Organic

Contenance: 1 litre

Wild Carot


Origin : Aroma'plantes

Distilled part : plant


About the plant :

The Wild Carrot has long been known for its diuretic effects, it comes from the Latin daucus which means «I warm up». Indeed, the ancients speak of the Carrot as a warming plant, which transmits heat.


At Arôma'plantes :

We use the wild Carot hydrolate in our make-up remover Duo Démaquillant.


For your information :

Here is a few properties of wild Carot hydrolate :

  • Skin regenerating, it is used for skin problems like dermatitis, eczema, couperose...etc.
  • Restores radiance to dull and tired skin.
  • Depurative and regenerative, it will help fight liver disorders and rid the body of toxins.
  • It is also recommended for cholesterol and hypertension.


All properties described here are from the bibliography and are provided for information purposes and should not be interpreted as medical prescriptions.


Arôma'plantes advice :

It is a perfect hydrolate, associated with Everlasting flower hydrolate to make a care for older skins.

Tip from the Arôma'plantes team.


Based on the bibliography :
L'hydrolathérapie, Lydia Bosson
Hydrosol mon ami, Nelly Grosjean
Les sites: Fermedesaussac


Safety precaution:

Product from organic farming certified by FR BIO 10 - Agriculture France

Floral water for food use

Therapeutic use of floral waters on medical advice.


Specific References


Wild Carrot Flower Water...


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