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Organic Savory Essential oil
Origin : Arôma'plantes
Distilled part : Flowers
Main components :Carvacrol, g-terpinene, p-cymene
We use the Savory Essential oil in our ambient spray Garrigues.
It is known since ancient times for its digestive and aphrodisiac virtues. Considered a lucky plant, it was used in the kitchen because it helped to digest food better and avoided intestinal fermentations. It is also part of the composition of herbs from Provence. Forbidden in the convents of the Middle Ages, it was «the devil’s grass» because of its stimulating and aphrodisiac properties. According to Dionysos it was «the herb of happiness» in connection with these same aphrodisiac virtues.
Here is a few properties of Savory essential oil:
It is a powerful essential oil that can be incorporated into household products to enhance their effectiveness.
Product from organic farming certified by FR BIO 10 - Agriculture hors UE
Essential oil for food use
It is dermocaustic, it can be aggressive for skin and mucous membranes.
Therapeutic use of essential oils on medical advice .
Specific References